国际海事组织 (IMO) 公布2024年世界海事核心主题: 新技术、新能源时代的海事安全

Maritime safety in an era of new technologies and alternative fuels central to IMO World Maritime Theme for 2024.

“Navigating the future: safety first!” has been selected for the International Maritime Organization’s 2024 World Maritime Theme.

「航行未来:安全第一!」 已被选为国际海事组织(IMO) 2024 年世界海事主题,明年9月26日世界海事日亦将围绕该主题庆祝。
“Navigating the future: safety first!” has been selected for the International Maritime Organization’s 2024 World Maritime Theme, which will culminate in the celebration of World Maritime Day on 26 September 2024.

The theme reflects IMO’s work to enhance maritime safety and security, in tandem with the protection of the marine environment, whilst ensuring its regulatory development process safely anticipates the fast pace of technological change and innovation.

IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said:
“This theme would allow us to focus on the full range of safety regulatory implications arising from new and adapted technologies and the introduction of alternative fuels including measures to reduce GHG emissions from ships as IMO strives to ensure the safety and efficiency of shipping are maintained, and potentially improved, so that the flow of seaborne international trade continues to be smooth and efficient.”

自 1948 年IMO成立以来,安全一直是所有活动的核心。随着新旧技术差距变得明显,IMO积极主动地适应新兴技术和创新科技的变化,监管框架亦不断发展,例如目前正在制订以目标为本的海上自主水面船舶规范(MASS 规范)。
Safety has been at the heart of all of IMO’s activities since the Organization was established in 1948. The regulatory framework is continuously evolving as gaps become apparent and as a result of IMO’s proactive work to anticipate changes needed to accommodate emerging technologies and innovation – a prominent example being the currently ongoing development of a goal-based Code for maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS Code).

2024年更标志着IMO监管海事安全重要条约、于1974年通过的《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS Convention ) 50 周年。
2024 marks 50 years since the adoption of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, the key IMO treaty regulating maritime safety.

Digitalization and automation are increasingly revolutionizing the shipping industry by introducing new technologies that enhance safety, security and efficiency, optimize performance, reduce environmental impact and ensure sustainability.

This is improving the overall efficacy and competitiveness of the shipping industry, making it possible to design, construct and operate ships more efficiently, handle more cargo, reduce costs and enhance customer satisfaction.

海上运输占全球贸易约九成,并是对环境破坏最小的运输方式。显而易见,提高船舶安全性和减少温室气体 (GHG) 排放应并驾齐驱──两者对于实现可持续发展及高效的海运业至关重要。 「航行未来:安全第一!」这主题表现IMO减排政策的宏愿和壮志,当中包括引入新技术和新能源的安全风险评估,及制订监管措施来应对并减轻这些风险。
Shipping transports about 90% of global trade and is the least environmentally damaging mode of transport. It is manifestly obvious that improving the safety of ships and reducing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions go hand in hand – both are critical to achieving a sustainable and efficient maritime industry. The theme “Navigating the future: safety first!” promotes IMO’s ambitious and accelerated GHG reduction policy which includes the assessment of safety risks, that come with the introduction of new and adapted technologies and alternative fuels, and the development of regulatory measures to address and ultimately mitigate those risks.

该主题亦与联合国2030年可持续发展议程,和联合国多项可持续发展目标(SDG)息息相关,特别是SDG 7即通过促进洁净能源研究和技术,确保取用负担得起的、可靠的、可持续的现代能源;SDG 8即促进持续、包容和可持续的经济增长,劳动人口充份就业及工作有体面;SDG 9即建设具韧性的基建设施、促进包容和可持续的工业化及培育创新;SDG 13即采取紧急行动应对气候变化及其影响;及SDG 14关于保护和可持续利用海洋和海洋资源以实现可持续发展。
The theme is also closely linked to the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and several of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7 on ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy by facilitating access to clean energy research and technology ; SDG 8 on promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all; SDG 9 on building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation; SDG 13 on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts; and SDG 14 on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

以上由IMO 秘书长林基泽动议的主题,已于理事会第 129 届会议通过。
The IMO Council, meeting for its 129th session, endorsed the theme following a proposal by IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim.

资料来源/Source: https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/pages/World-Maritime-Theme-2024.aspx


国际海事组织 (IMO) 公布2024年世界海事核心主题: 新技术、新能源时代的海事安全(Maritime safety in an era of new technologies and alternative fuels central to IMO World Maritime Theme for 2024.)