世界海员日&中国航海日向海员致敬之船員探访慰問系列活動 / Crew Visits Series During Day of the Seafarer & Maritime Day of China

To celebrate the “6.25 Day of the Seafarer ” and “7.11 Maritime Day of China “, the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) jointly launched a series of crew visits with shipping companies from 15th June to 15th July.

2011年國際海事組織決定將每年的6月25日命名為世界海員日,鼓勵各國政府及航運組織向海員致敬,感謝其對人類和世界的貢獻。根据世界海事主题“MARPOL 50——我们的承诺继续下去” , 2023年度世界海员日将重点关注海员为保护海洋环境所做的贡献。2005年,中国政府决定把每年的7月11日(中国航海家郑和下西洋纪念日)定为航海日,同时也作为世界海事日在中国的实施日期,今年的主题是“扬帆新丝路,奋楫新格局”。
In 2011, 25th June was established as the Day of the Seafarer by the International Maritime Organization. The purpose is to encourage governments and maritime organizations to recognize the contribution made by seafarers to the world economy and civil society as a whole. For 2023, the Day of the Seafarer campaign will look at seafarers’ contribution to protecting the marine environment, in line with the World Maritime theme “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”.
In 2005, the Chinese government established Maritime Day on 11th July, which is the anniversary date of Chinese navigator Zheng He’s voyages to the Western Seas, as the implementation of the Day of the Seafarer in China. This year, the theme is about the new maritime silk road.

此次活得到了東方海外貨櫃航運有限公司(OOCL),Anglo Eastern船舶管理公司,萬海航運(海豐船務)及太平船務等公司的傾力支持,為中心工作團隊提供抵港商船信息並積極協助辦理出入碼頭的通行證。在雙方的通力合作下,我們探訪慰問了東方海外貨櫃航運有限公司5艘商船、Anglo Eastern船舶管理公司的5艘商船、萬海航運(海豐船務)20艘商船、太平船務5艘商船,向800多名船員轉達了香港同行的問候與祝福,贈送了中心的紀念品與生活用品。海員們熱情歡迎工作團隊的探訪,對工作人員冒著高溫烈日登輪表示感動,他們對中心贈送紀念品與生活用品由衷的表達了感激之情。
A series of crew visits was launched as a celebration. The campaign was fully supported by shipping companies, such as Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), Anglo Eastern Ship Management Company, Wan Hai Lines (SITC Shipping) and Pacific International Lines, in providing information on merchant vessels arriving in Hong Kong and in assisting the team of HKISSC to enter the container terminals. More than 800 crew members were visited and presented souvenirs. Crew members are from 5 merchant ships of Orient Overseas Container Line Co., Ltd., 5 merchant ships of Anglo Eastern Ship Management Company, 20 merchant ships of Wan Hai Lines (SITC Shipping) and 5 merchant ships of Pacific International Lines. They expressed their sincere gratitude to HKISSC for the gift of souvenirs and daily necessities, and the warm blessing under extremely high temperatures.

HKISSC team visited merchant ships “OOCL LUXEMBOURG”, “OOCL NAGOYA”, “OOCL JAKARTA”, “OOCL OAKLAND” and “OOCL AUSTRALIA”, and presented souvenirs to the crew.

2. 探訪慰問Anglo-Eastern旗下“Chastine Maersk”、“CMA CGM Missouri”、“NYK Fushimi”、“Carsten Maersk”及“Seamax Westport”等商船並向船員贈送紀念品。
The team visited Anglo Eastern’s merchant vessels, such as “Chastine Maersk”, “CMA CGM Missouri”, “NYK Fushimi”, “Carsten Maersk” and “Seamax Westport”, and presented souvenirs to the crew.

3. 探訪慰問太平船務的“Kota Ratu”、“Kota Lekas”、 “Kota Carum”、“Kota Lumba”、“Kota Raja”等商船,向船員贈送紀念品。
The team visited the merchant vessels “Kota Ratu”, “Kota Lekas”, “Kota Carum”, “Kota Lumba” and “Kota Raja” of Pacific International Lines and present souvenirs to the crew.

4. 探訪慰問萬海航運(海豐船務)的“WAN HAI 101”、 “WAN HAI 308”、 “WAN HAI 288”、 “WAN HAI 105”、 “WAN HAI 315”、 “WAN HAI 356”、 “WAN HAI 509”、 “WAN HAI 305”、 “WAN HAI 303”、 “WAN HAI291”、 “WAN HAI 327”、 “WAN HAI 326”、 “WAN HAI 231”、 “WAN HAI 501”、“WAN HAI 266”、 “WAN HAI 502”、 “WAN HAI 328 ” 、 “WAN HAI 312” 、 “WAN HAI 358” 、 “WAN HAI 301”、“WAN HAI 277”等商船,向船員贈送紀念品。
The team visited a number of Wan Hai Lines’s merchant vessels, including “WAN HAI 101”, “WAN HAI 308”, “WAN HAI 288”, “WAN HAI 105”, “WAN HAI 315”, “WAN HAI 356”, “WAN HAI 509”, “WAN HAI 305”, “WAN HAI 303”, “WAN HAI291”, “WAN HAI 327”, “WAN HAI 326”, “WAN HAI 231”, “WAN HAI 501”, “WAN HAI 266”, “WAN HAI 502”, “WAN HAI 328”, “WAN HAI 312”, “WAN HAI 358”, “WAN HAI 301”, “WAN HAI 277” and other. Gifts and souvenirs were presented to the crew.

此外,工作團隊還隨機探訪了華林船務的“WAN HAI 278”商船船員。
In addition, the team also randomly visited the crew of merchant vessel “WAN HAI 278” of Wallem Shipmanagement.

世界海员日&中国航海日向海员致敬之船員探访慰問系列活動 / Crew Visits Series During Day of the Seafarer & Maritime Day of China