Our Activities
Main Functions

關於我們 About Us
Welcome Onboard! We're HKISSC!
Hong Kong International Seafarers’ Service Centre is established in 27th October 2019, by Merchant Navy Officer’s Guild, Hong Kong and Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong, and sponsored by International Transport Workers’ Federation.
The propose of the establishment is to promote seafarers’ service, the development of Hong Kong Maritime Industry and International Seafarers’ exchange.
Our Services:
- Ship Visits and Assist Seafarers if necessary;
- Establish study groups and marine conferences;
- Establish International Exchange activities
- 登船探訪海員,協助解决海員困難及勞資問題;
- 協助舉辦學習研討及各類會議;
- 開展海事/碼頭等領域的文宣、研究等活動;
- 開展與內地有關機構間的交流與合作,推動國際海員間的交流

Welcome to HKISSC Website. We hope that you can enjoy our services.