2021年4月24日,中心義工收到TS Yokohama的邀請及委託,為該船船員購買一些日常用品並且上船參觀。船員表示此船航線非常繁忙,兩星期要停靠十數個碼頭,平均每0.8天就靠離碼頭一次。船長很親切地邀請我們到駕駛台參觀,他說這個航線船員們都非常累,現時不能下地心情更是壓抑,所以非常歡迎我們上船跟他們聊天。


On 24th April 2021, we received a request from TS Yokohama to purchase some daily necessities for the crew and to make a ship visit. Crews said they are very busy for berthing and unberthing and have to call lots of ports within just two weeks, with an average of 0.8 days for a next port. The captain of the ship kindly invited us to visit the bridge. He mentioned that the crews feel tired and depressed as they are not allowed to have shore leave, therefore they are pleased and welcome us to have a ship visit.

If ship’s crews are interested, please feel free to contact us after the arrival of Hong Kong port. We can arrange for an onboard visit and send the purchased items to the crew.

再次為TS Yokohama船員代購日常用品 Purchasing daily necessities for TS Yokohama crew