
On July 9, 2021, “2021 Dockers Seminar & Workshop” was held in the 28th floor conference room of the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (ISSC). The event was organized by the Hong Kong International Terminals Group Employees’ General Union and sponsored by the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) Hong Kong (FOC) Campaign Office.


新冠病毒疫情下,香港碼頭業界亦受到衝擊,碼頭工友面對從不間斷的疫情新聞,人心惶惶,精神壓力倍增,心理與生理健康受到嚴重的傷害。此次工作坊邀請港九勞工社團聯會副主席儲漢松先生就新冠病毒疫情對香港碼頭工人的影響進行了深入分析; 香港工人健康中心項目經理王俊鈞先生也就貨櫃碼頭工作的傳染病預防與防疫措施及心理調適等問題進行了深入淺出的講解。與會碼頭工友參會認真,互動積極,反響熱烈。大家表示受益良多,增強了應對疫情風險的信心。

Impact of COVID-19 outbreak is worldwide, Hong Kong port industry is inevitably affected. Overwhelming epidemic news is causing social anxiety and stressfulness, hindering dockers’ mental and physical health. Mr. Chu Hon Chung, Vice-Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong & Kowloon Labour Unions, was invited to the event and shared an in-depth analysis of the effect of the pandemic on the well-being of dockers. Mr. Wong Chun Kwan, Project manager of Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre, also explained thoroughly about the preventive measures and the psychological adjustment of the infectious disease. Participating dockers were attentive and actively response to the speakers. They said they were more confident in combating the pandemic after the event.



“Seafarers and dockers like a family. To protect the rights and interests of seafarer members, unions cannot work without support from dockers. ISSC serves not only seafarers, dockers and other Hong Kong affiliates of ITF are also welcomed to host events in this venue.” Capt. Chung Tung Tong, committee member of ISSC, Convener of the ITF HK Coordinating Committee and the General Secretary of Merchant Navy Officers’ Guild- Hong Kong, addressed in the meeting, on behalf of ISSC, to welcome the Hong Kong International Terminals Group Employees’ General Union.

中心理事、國際運輸工人聯盟香港方便旗事務辦事處主任丁錦源先生在致辭中表示,國際運輸工人聯盟將繼續支持香港屬會舉辦此類研討活動,更好地服務會員; 同時,他亦期待更多的碼頭工友在工休期間到訪香港國際海員服務中心休憩並使用中心的各類娛樂設施。

As Mr. Ting Kam Yuen, Office Head of ITF HK (FOC) Campaign Office, stated in his speech that ITF will continue to support its Hong Kong affiliates to organize similar events, and provide better service to their members. Meanwhile, he also looks forward to more dockers utilize and enjoy the various facilities of ISSC.

2021年碼頭從業員研討會暨工作坊在中心舉行-Workshop for Dockers held in HKISSC