中心工作人员近日相继探望了M.V. GRAND ASANO与M.V. MAERSK SARAT商船的船员。
Staff of ISSC recently visited the crew of M.V. GRAND ASANO and M.V. MAERSK SARAT.

2021年10月4日风和日丽,天气格外的好。中心工作人员与顺利轮船有限公司代理及BV SURVEY的安全调查员黄先生,一同登山M.V. GRAND ASANO 商船,送去香港国际海员服务中心的问候与关怀。
On the sunny day of 4th October 2021, the weather was exceptionally good. The staff of ISSC, along with the agent of Prosperity Steamship Company Limited and Mr. Wong, Safety Surveyor of Bureau Veritas visited M.V. GRAND ASANO. The onboard visit of ISSC was a kind of sending greeting and showing care for seafarers.


M.V. GRAND ASANO 商船1995年建成,系中国台湾船东,主要往返于日本与香港,以运输水泥为主,船员全部来自于缅甸。
Built in 1995, M.V. GRAND ASANO is now owned by a Taiwanese company. The carrier mainly transporting cement between Japan and Hong Kong. All crew members onboard are from Myanmar.

船长SAW Thaw Thi来自缅甸,他对我们的到访表示欢迎并感谢中心送来纪念品、零食、报刊杂志及口罩等防疫用品。他表示,船员因疫情不能下地,心情非常郁闷,中心赠送的饼干、花生米、薯片等零食对调节海员的情绪非常有帮助,希望中心将探访活动持续下去。
Myanmar Capt. SAW Thaw Thi welcomed the visitors. He expressed gratitude for ISSC sending souvenirs, snacks, newspapers and magazines, surgical masks and other anti-epidemic items. He revealed that crew members were very depressed as they cannot ashore due to pandemic, all those snacks such as biscuits, peanuts and potato chips offered by ISSC may help to relieve their negative emotions. He hoped the onboard visit to continue


2021年10月8日,香港大雨倾盆,中心工作人员与香港航业海员合併工会一同冒雨驾车前往9号码头,探访了M.V. MAERSK SARAT商船。
On 8th October 2021, heavy rains poured in Hong Kong. Representatives of Amalgamated Union of Seafarers, Hong Kong (AUSHK) and staff of ISSC drove to Pier 9 against the rain to visit M.V. MAERSK SARAT.

M.V. MAERSK SARAT商船系利比里亚旗,主要往返于亚洲的日本,中国香港与美洲的墨西哥等地。经香港航业海员合併工会推荐,毕业于香港海员训练学院的胡姓女学生在该商船上实习,探访人员向她转交了其家人委托的生活用品,并向该船船员赠送了中心的纪念品。
Container Ship M.V. MAERSK SARAT currently sailing under the flag of Liberia. It travels mainly between Japan, Hong Kong, China and Mexico. Recommended by AUSHK, a Maritime Services Training Institute graduate Ms. Wu is serving onboard for cadet training. The visitors handed her the daily necessities provided by her family. Souvenirs were also distributed to crew members.

On behalf of crew member, Third Officer on duty of the vessel was grateful for the visit of ISSC and giving all the souvenirs. He said for any necessities in the future, he will not hesitate to ask for help from ISSC. Ms. Wu also expressed her gratitude towards the visit of union and ISSC.