新型冠狀病毒疫情對香港航運業及本港船員的工作、生活均造 成嚴重影響。針對船務公司的不同應對措施,船員心裡又如何想呢?



The coronavirus has affected the local seafarers and made a great impact on the shipping industry.
Captain Lau who works in a Hong Kong Macau high-speed craft, he sent a letter for us to express his comment after he read the news reported that one shipping company received tens of millions of subsidies but still required employees to take unpaid leave (see screenshot for details). He said the action by the shipping company was inappropriate. The companies and their employees should support each other for facing the severe situation.
He also pointed out that the current company not lay off staff and requested unpaid leave, but also encouraged training activities to improve the professional skills of employees.




疫情下香港船員的心聲 The Voice under the Virus