
香港海員陳建東受疫情影響,自去年年初開始休假後一直未能再上船繼續工作,近日透過工會的幫助下,在3月6日於香港葵涌貨櫃碼頭登上MV Belawan繼續其航海實習生生活。

It is quite difficult for the seafarers to sign on/off all over the world since the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the Hong Kong’s seafarers.

Due to the epidemic, Hong Kong seafarer Chan Kin Tung has been unable to continue his cadetship after he took vacation at the beginning of last year. With the help of AUS-HK, he finally can go onboard MV Belawan at the Hong Kong Kwai Chung Container Terminal and continue to work as a deck cadet on 6th March.


Volunteers of HKISSC and seafarer Chan Kin Tung, photo taken on 6th March 2021.


Volunteers of AUS-HK and HKISSC also exchange greetings with Capt. Zhu of Belawan.

疫情之下香港海員換班 Crew change under epidemic in Hong Kong