Happy Easter-船員慰問活動圓滿落下帷幕

Happy Easter-船員慰問活動圓滿落下帷幕

Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign Came to a Successful Conclusion


2023年3月15日至4月12日,香港國際海員服務中心組織開展了Happy Easter-船員慰問系列活動。在OOCL、WAN HAI、太平船務、長榮等航運公司的支持與協助下,中心工作組共探訪26艘抵港商船,向600餘名國際海員送上香港海事同行的節日問候並贈送了復活節大禮包。

The Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) organized the “Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign” from March 15th to April 12th, 2023. With the support and assistance of various shipping companies such as OOCL, WAN HAI, Taiping Shipping, and Evergreen, the volunteer team visited 26 merchant vessels arriving in Hong Kong, and sent holiday greetings and Easter gifts to more than 600 international seafarer sprees.


香港國際海員服務中心自成立之日始終與廣大海員同行,積極踐行服務海員之宗旨,多次開展探船慰問海員的活動。2023年度復活節之際,中心致函各航運公司,攜手開展“Happy Easter”船員慰問系列活動,向海員致敬,感恩海員,並贈送了節日禮物。

Since its establishment, the HKISSC keeps seafarer company, actively fulfilling the purpose of serving seafarers by carrying out numerous crew visits. Before Easter this year, HKISSC contacted various shipping companies to jointly launch the “Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign”. Through a series of crew visits, it aims to pay tribute to all hard-working seafarers, and to express gratitude by presenting festive gifts to them.


一、探訪慰問長榮公司“EVER CENTER”商船海員。

1. Visiting the crew of merchant vessel “EVER CENTER” of Evergreen Company.

二、探訪慰問OOCL公司的“OOCL Atlanta”、“ OOCL SAVANNAH”及“OOCL BUSAN”等商船上的海員

  1. Visiting seafarers on merchant vessels “OOCL Atlanta”, “OOCL SAVANNAH” and “OOCL BUSAN” of OOCL.

三、探訪慰問萬海公司旗下WAN HAI 178、WAN HAI 328、WAN HAI 292、WAN HAI 101、WAN HAI 316、WAN HAI 271、WAN HAI 352、WAN HAI 325、WAN HAI 357、WAN HAI 291、WAN HAI 359、WAN HAI 176、WAN HAI 327等13艘商船上的中國、緬甸、印尼等國家的海員。

  1. Visited 13 merchant vessels of Wan Hai Lines Limited, including WAN HAI 178, WAN HAI 328, WAN HAI 292, WAN HAI 101, WAN HAI 316, WAN HAI 271, WAN HAI 352, WAN HAI 325, WAN HAI 357, WAN HAI 291, WAN HAI 359, WAN HAI 176 and WAN HAI 327. The volunteer team met seafarers from China, Myanmar, Indonesia and other countries on board.

四、探訪慰問太平船務公司Kota Raja 、Kota Pusaka、Kota Ratu、Kota Halus、Nadi Chief、Kota Manis、Kota Pahlawan、Kota Carum、Kota Lima等9艘商船上的中國、印度、緬甸、印尼及烏克蘭等國家的海員。

  1. Visited the crew from China, India, Myanmar, Indonesia and Ukraine on nine merchant ships of Pacific International Lines, including Kota Raja, Kota Pusaka, Kota Ratu, Kota Halus, Nadi Chief, Kota Manis, Kota Pahlawan, Kota Carum and Kota Lima.


The series of crew visits was welcomed and gained much acclaim by shipping companies. Seafarers who were visited showed their happiness as well. Mr. Chui, Crew Supervisor of Pacific International Lines, said, “The seafarers onboard are eager to be cared for during their lonely voyage. We hope to continue the cooperation with HKISSC to carry out crew visits in the future, so as to bring happiness to the seafarers onboard.” Mr. Martin from Wan Hai Lines Limited also hopes to collaborate more with HKISSC to provide more welfare and care to the seafarers onboard.