爭取權利:棄船個案破紀錄之年ITF檢查員成海員最強後盾/Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in record-breaking year of shame

Fighting for rights: ITF inspectors stand strong for seafarers in
record-breaking year of shame

2023 was the worst year ever seen for seafarer abandonment – and ITF inspectors recovered nearly US$60 million in unpaid wages.
2023年,ITF全球檢查員網路成功為遭拖欠工資的海員追回57,161,779 美元(折約445,861,876港元),金額之高令人震驚。同時,ITF亦錄得有史以來最高的遺棄船舶數字(共129 艘)和遭遺棄的海員(共1,983 名)。
The ITF’s global network of inspectors recovered a shocking US$57,161,779 in unpaid wages for seafarers in 2023, as the ITF also recorded the highest level it has ever seen of abandoned vessels (129) and abandoned seafarers (1,983).
The inspectors completed a total of 9,530 ship inspections and worked on 1,188 cases – instances where an inspector assisted a seafarer without boarding a vessel – during the year, spanning every region of the world.
負責協調ITF 檢查員的Steve Trowsdale 表示:「案件數量和欠薪金額令人擔憂,但我們對世界各地的檢查員每天所做的工作感到非常自豪。他們為海員提供緊急服務,隨時準備盡其所能維護海員權利,並追究船東剝削海員的責任。
ITF Inspectorate Coordinator Steve Trowsdale said: “The number of cases and amount of backpay is worrying, but we couldn’t be prouder of the work undertaken by our inspectors every day, all around the world. They’re an emergency service for seafarers, always ready to do what they can to stand up for seafarers’ rights and hold exploitative shipowners to account.
“But the sad reality is that the increasing amount of work our inspectors are doing demonstrates just how much workers’ rights are under attack on ships right now.”
ITF超過 125 名檢查員組成的全球網路分佈在全球 55 個國家的 110 多個港口。檢查員(其中許多人曾是海員或碼頭工人)負責監管沒有集體談判協定的船舶,並在持有集體談判協定的船舶上,確保有執行相關協定,這些協定覆蓋了在方便旗船上工作的超過357,000 名海員。
The ITF has a global network of more than 125 inspectors, based in over 110 ports in 55 countries worldwide. Inspectors, many of whom are former seafarers or dockers, police ships that have no collective bargaining agreement and enforce the agreements on ships that do, with those agreements covering more than 357,000 seafarers working aboard flag of convenience vessels.
Inspectors are trained to look for exploitation, overwork, and signs of forced labour and modern slavery. On many vessels, they have the right to examine wage accounts, employment contracts, and to review recorded hours of work and rest.
特羅斯代爾表示:「追回拖欠工資超過 5710 萬美元的重要性不容低估,特別是當這麼多海員是他們家庭的經濟支柱。」
“The significance of clawing back more than US$57.1 million in owed wages can’t be understated, especially when so many seafarers are the breadwinners for their families back home,” said Trowsdale.
「我們的檢查員每天都在發出這樣的資訊:ITF 及其附屬工會絕不會放過任何侵犯海員權利的行為,讓它們瞞天過海。」
“Our inspectors are out there every day sending the message that the ITF and its affiliated unions will never let abuses of seafarers’ rights go unchecked.”
Under the International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) definition of abandonment, a seafarer can be classed as ‘abandoned’ when they are unpaid for two months.
Any non-payment of wages should be seen as a potential sign that a shipowner could be about to cut its crew loose.


资料来源: https://www.itfseafarers.org/en/news/fighting-rights-itf-inspectors-stand-strong-seafarers-record-breaking-year-shame




今年的世界海事主題為“MARPOL 50—我們的承諾在繼續”,社會各界呼籲關注廣大海員為保護海洋環境所做的貢獻。


倪至慶:91291953 info@hkissc.com
孫建福:95578581 info@hkissc.com




17th May 2023
Dear seafaring brothers and sisters,

Salute to Seafarers #OceansWorthProtecting

To celebrate the “6.25 Day of the Seafarer” and “7.11 China National Maritime Day” this year, the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) would like to show our respect to all seafarers.

For 2023, the Day of Seafarer campaign will look at seafarers’ contribution to protecting the marine environment, in line with the World Maritime theme “MARPOL at 50 – Our commitment goes on”.

We thank all seafarers for their unique contributions to the world maritime trade and their hard work benefiting the global economy and human lives. The role that they play in protecting the marine environment is also appreciated.

Acting as a seafarer service platform established since 2019, the Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) regularly carries out crew visits, providing free transportation and helps with purchasing necessities for seafarers visiting Hong Kong, with the support of the welfare fund contributed by shipping companies.

If you have the above service needs, please do not hesitate to contact our staff by email before your vessel arrives in Hong Kong.

Contact information:
Mr. Simon Ngai: 9129 1953, info@hkissc.com
Mr. Frank Sun: 9557 8581, info@hkissc.com

Wishing you a happy and safe journey.

Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC)

Happy Easter-船員慰問活動圓滿落下帷幕

Happy Easter-船員慰問活動圓滿落下帷幕

Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign Came to a Successful Conclusion


2023年3月15日至4月12日,香港國際海員服務中心組織開展了Happy Easter-船員慰問系列活動。在OOCL、WAN HAI、太平船務、長榮等航運公司的支持與協助下,中心工作組共探訪26艘抵港商船,向600餘名國際海員送上香港海事同行的節日問候並贈送了復活節大禮包。

The Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) organized the “Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign” from March 15th to April 12th, 2023. With the support and assistance of various shipping companies such as OOCL, WAN HAI, Taiping Shipping, and Evergreen, the volunteer team visited 26 merchant vessels arriving in Hong Kong, and sent holiday greetings and Easter gifts to more than 600 international seafarer sprees.


香港國際海員服務中心自成立之日始終與廣大海員同行,積極踐行服務海員之宗旨,多次開展探船慰問海員的活動。2023年度復活節之際,中心致函各航運公司,攜手開展“Happy Easter”船員慰問系列活動,向海員致敬,感恩海員,並贈送了節日禮物。

Since its establishment, the HKISSC keeps seafarer company, actively fulfilling the purpose of serving seafarers by carrying out numerous crew visits. Before Easter this year, HKISSC contacted various shipping companies to jointly launch the “Happy Easter-Crew Visit Campaign”. Through a series of crew visits, it aims to pay tribute to all hard-working seafarers, and to express gratitude by presenting festive gifts to them.


一、探訪慰問長榮公司“EVER CENTER”商船海員。

1. Visiting the crew of merchant vessel “EVER CENTER” of Evergreen Company.

二、探訪慰問OOCL公司的“OOCL Atlanta”、“ OOCL SAVANNAH”及“OOCL BUSAN”等商船上的海員

  1. Visiting seafarers on merchant vessels “OOCL Atlanta”, “OOCL SAVANNAH” and “OOCL BUSAN” of OOCL.

三、探訪慰問萬海公司旗下WAN HAI 178、WAN HAI 328、WAN HAI 292、WAN HAI 101、WAN HAI 316、WAN HAI 271、WAN HAI 352、WAN HAI 325、WAN HAI 357、WAN HAI 291、WAN HAI 359、WAN HAI 176、WAN HAI 327等13艘商船上的中國、緬甸、印尼等國家的海員。

  1. Visited 13 merchant vessels of Wan Hai Lines Limited, including WAN HAI 178, WAN HAI 328, WAN HAI 292, WAN HAI 101, WAN HAI 316, WAN HAI 271, WAN HAI 352, WAN HAI 325, WAN HAI 357, WAN HAI 291, WAN HAI 359, WAN HAI 176 and WAN HAI 327. The volunteer team met seafarers from China, Myanmar, Indonesia and other countries on board.

四、探訪慰問太平船務公司Kota Raja 、Kota Pusaka、Kota Ratu、Kota Halus、Nadi Chief、Kota Manis、Kota Pahlawan、Kota Carum、Kota Lima等9艘商船上的中國、印度、緬甸、印尼及烏克蘭等國家的海員。

  1. Visited the crew from China, India, Myanmar, Indonesia and Ukraine on nine merchant ships of Pacific International Lines, including Kota Raja, Kota Pusaka, Kota Ratu, Kota Halus, Nadi Chief, Kota Manis, Kota Pahlawan, Kota Carum and Kota Lima.


The series of crew visits was welcomed and gained much acclaim by shipping companies. Seafarers who were visited showed their happiness as well. Mr. Chui, Crew Supervisor of Pacific International Lines, said, “The seafarers onboard are eager to be cared for during their lonely voyage. We hope to continue the cooperation with HKISSC to carry out crew visits in the future, so as to bring happiness to the seafarers onboard.” Mr. Martin from Wan Hai Lines Limited also hopes to collaborate more with HKISSC to provide more welfare and care to the seafarers onboard.

香港国际海员服务中心探访“MV. San Felix”海员

香港国际海员服务中心探访“MV. San Felix海员

Visit the crew of MV. San Felix”

2023年2月17日,香港国际海员服务中心工作团队冒雨前往9号码头,探访慰问了“MV. San Felix”商船海员。

The working team of Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre headed to Container Terminal 9 in the rain to visit the crew of “MV. San Felix” on 17th February 2023.

“MV. San Felix”系马士基公司旗下的集装箱商船,悬挂马绍尔群岛旗,主要往来于拉美的墨西哥、亚洲的日本、韩国及中国的青岛、香港等地区。船上共有船员22名,主要来自乌克兰、俄罗斯及菲律宾等地。

Flying the flag of the Marshall Islands, the container ship “MV. San Felix” is owned by Maersk. It mainly travels between Mexico in Latin America, Japan, South Korea in Asia, Qingdao and Hong Kong in China. Onboard there are 22 crew members, who mainly come from Ukraine, Russia and the Philippines.

中心工作团队於船舷边向船员赠送慰问品,并转交了代买的物品。“MV. San Felix”船员代表对我中心的探访表示感谢,并希望与中心今后保持联系。

The working team presented condolences to the representatives of the crew on shore beside the vessel. Representatives of the crew expressed their gratitude for the visit and hope to keep in touch with the center in the future.

香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员

香港国际海员服务中心探访“Cherry Point”散装船海员
Visit the crew of bulk carrier “Cherry Point”

2023年3月7日,香港国际海员服务中心工作团队协同Pacific Basin公司的职员一行13人前往屯门码头,探访慰问了“Cherry Point”散装船海员。
The working team of Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre, together with the staff of Pacific Basin, headed to Tuen Mun Ferry Pier to visit the seafarers of the bulk carrier “Cherry Point” on 7th March 2023.

“Cherry Point”系Pacific Basin公司旗下的散装船,悬挂中国香港旗,无固定租家与航线。船上共有船员20名,主要来自中国及菲律宾等地。

Sailing under the flag of Hong Kong, China, “Cherry Point” is owned by Pacific Basin. The bulk carrier has no fixed charterer and routes. Onboard there are 20 crew members, mainly from China and the Philippines.

中心工作团队登上“Cherry Point”散装船,送上中心的慰问品及香港的特产-卤鹅、烧腊等。

The working team boarded “Cherry Point” with condolence gifts, including specialties of Hong Kong – marinated goose and roast meat (siu mei).

“Cherry Point”散装船刘船长热情的接待了联合探访团队,对我中心的探访表示衷心感谢,并邀请共进午餐。

Captain Lau of “Cherry Point” expressed gratitude for the visit and warmly received the joint visiting team by inviting them for lunch.


Learning the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Learning the lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic


Joint Action Group recommendations to mitigate impacts of health recommendations on transport keyworkers.



来源: https://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/pages/Learning-the-lessons-from-the-COVID-19-pandemic.aspx


Seafarers should be designated as keyworkers during future global pandemics.


Designating transport workers, including seafarers, as keyworkers and ensuring such workers’ needs and challenges are voiced during a pandemic are among the recently published recommendations from a joint United Nations and industry sector action group.



The Joint Action Group was established in December 2021 to review the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s transport workers and the global supply chain. The Group included IMO, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Chamber of shipping (ICS) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF), and air and road entities.

联合行动小组成立于2021年12月,旨在审查COVID-19疫情对全球运输工人和全球供应链的影响。该小组包括国际海事组织(IMO)、国际劳工组织(ILO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)、国际民用航空组织(ICAO)、国际航运公会(ICS) 和国际运输工人联盟(ITF),以及空中和陆路运输个体。


The recommendations of the Joint Action Group to review the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s transport workers and the global supply chain (JAG-TSC) aim to minimize adverse impacts on transport workers, their families and global trade and supply chains, while at the same time ensuring that public health needs are fully safeguarded and local communities are protected.



The 23 recommendations include, inter alia:



  • Setting up a rapid-response group for immediate activation in the event of WHO-declared Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).



  • Engaging in effective social dialogue with global, regional and national transport employers and workers and their organizations in recognition that social dialogue is an effective means to improve the living and working conditions of mobile and cross-border transport workers and transport facilitation across international borders.



  • The United Nations system should convene a tripartite, international and inter-ministerial meeting to discuss transport, health and the common concerns and interests of the transport sector in order to identify the different approaches required to safeguard and respect the rights of workers and employers during PHEICs.



Amongst specific recommendations for IMO, ILO and ICAO:

针对 IMO、ILO 和 ICAO 的具体建议:


  • Contributing to WHO guidance to mainstream the rights, needs and challenges of workers and employers in the transport sectors during PHEICs.



  • Voicing and mainstreaming workers’ and industry’s needs and challenges by engaging in the development of a future WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, as well as potential amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005) in line with the modalities of engagement for relevant stakeholders.

为工人和业界发声,将行业需求和困难纳入主流声音,与相关利益的各方共同参与制订未来世卫有关传染病预防、准备及应对的公约、协议或其他国际文书,以及对《国际卫生条例》(IHR 2005)的潜在修订。


Amongst specific recommendations for Governments:



  • Recognize the key role played by transport workers during PHEICs, in particular mobile and cross-border transport workers that serve the sustainment of essential supply chains, and, if not having already done so, designate them as “key workers”.



IMO action during the pandemic



The recommendations reflect IMO’s calls made during the COVID-19 pandemic to designate seafarers as key workers and joint calls to collaborate on seafarer issues.



Furthermore, IMO’s Facilitation Committee has adopted amendments to the Facilitation Convention (which enter into force on 1 January 2024), to include provisions derived from lessons learned during the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Contracting Governments and their relevant public authorities are required to allow ships and ports to remain fully operational during a PHEIC, in order to maintain complete functionality of global supply chains to the greatest extent possible. Public authorities are also required to designate port workers and ships’ crew as key workers (or equivalent), regardless of their nationality or the flag of their ship, when in their territory.

此外,简化和协调国际海上运输的IMO便利化委员会通过了《便利化公约》修正案(将于2024年1月1日生效),以纳入从 COVID-19疫情期间吸取的教训。缔约国政府及其相关公共当局必须允许船舶和港口在PHEIC期间保持全面运作,尽量维持全球供应链发挥完整功能。无论他们的国籍或船舶船旗国,公共当局都必须将港口工人和船员指定为「关键工人」(或同等人员)。


To read the full set of recommendations, click:







Happy Easter-海員慰問活動

Happy Easter-海員慰問活動


2023年復活節即將來臨,一向與海員同心同行的香港國際海員服務中心(HKISSC),向堅守崗位的廣大海員致敬,將於3月15日至31日開展「Happy Easter -海員慰問活動」,為抵達香港的國際海員送上問候與福利大禮包。
















Happy Easter Celebration Campaign


To better serve seafarers and care for crew members’ quality of life at sea, Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) is going to launch the “Happy Easter Celebration Campaign” during the period of March 15-31. Easter welfare packs should be given as gifts to seafarers arriving in Hong Kong.


HKISSC was established on 27th October, 2019. It has been acting as a service platform for seafarers by organizing onboard visits and buying necessities for them.


We genuinely hope to collaborate with shipping company in sending the warmest regards and welfare packs to seafarers who will be arriving in Hong Kong this March. We would be very grateful if you could:


  • provide vessel arrival details (i.e. list of vessels which will be arriving during 15th – 31st March), and
  • liaise with the crewing agency in applying for permits required (if any) for our vehicles and staff members entering container terminals.


Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the following members of HKISSC:


Mr. Simon Ngai (mobile: 91291953)

Mr. Frank Sun (mobile: 95578581)


Looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance for your generous support. 

Wishing all seafarers a blessed and memorable Easter with your family and friends.


Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC)


p.s. The visiting team generally will not board the ship but hand over the welfare packs beside the docked vessel.

海上聖誕節-船員慰問活動綜述/An Overview of “Christmas Celebration at the Sea” Campaign

海上聖誕節船員慰問活動綜述/An Overview of “Christmas Celebration at the Sea” Campaign


2022年12月4日至30日,香港國際海員服務中心組織開展了海上聖誕節-船員慰問活動,在OOCL、Anglo-Eastern、Pacific Basin、WAN HAI等航運公司船員管理部門的支持與協助下,共探訪22艘抵港商船,向近500名國際海員送上香港海事同行的關心並贈送了聖誕大禮包。
During the period of 4th to 30th December, 2022, Hong Kong International Seafarer Services Centre (HKISSC) launched the “Christmas Celebration at the Sea” Campaign. With the support and assistance provided by the crew department of various ship companies, such as Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL), Anglo-Eastern, Pacific Basin, and WAN HAI, HKISSC visited 22 merchant vessels arriving in Hong Kong. Christmas welfare packs were given as gifts to 500 crew members.

Many seafarers are still working hard onboard to ensure the stable operation of the global supply chain during the festive season, when most people are celebrating with their loved ones. In order to better serve seafarers and express gratitude and care for crew members, the campaign was launched by HKISSC last Christmas.

At the beginning of the campaign period, the team of HKISSC went to visit m.v. EVER CENTER, m.v. MAERSK SYDNEY, m.v. OOCL NEW ZEALAND, and the bulk carrier NORTH ISLAND.


活動集中開展階段,中心工作團隊先後探訪了WAN HAI旗下的14艘商船與Anglo-eastern旗下的“NYK FUSHIMI”、“NAVIGARE COLLECTOR”商船、OOCL的 “SAVANNAH”商船及TS KELANG等商船。
The team of HKISSC also went to visit 14 merchant vessels of WAN HAI, m.v. NYK FUSHIMI and m.v. NAVIGARE COLLECTOR of Anglo-Eastern, and m.v. SAVANNAH and m.v. TS KELANG of OOCL.

探訪WAN HAI系列商船
More photos when visiting merchant vessels of WAN HAI are as follows:


探訪Anglo- Eastern NYK FUSHIMI 商船,向ITF Trust攝影展獲獎船員贈送獎牌
When visiting m.v. NYK FUSHIMI of Anglo-Eastern, a medal was offered to the ITF Seafarers’ Trust Photo Competition award-winning seafarer.


Visited m.v. OOCL SAVANNAH


探訪Anglo-Eastern的Navigare Collector 商船
Visited m.v. NAVIGARE COLLECTOR of Anglo-Eastern


Visited m.v. TS KELANG.


此次海員探訪系列活動受到航運公司、廣大海員的熱烈歡迎與好評。Anglo-Eastern公司船員部June CHOW 女士評價海員探訪慰問活動:“關心船上的海員生活是Anglo-Eastern公司文化的重要元素,很高興海員工會在這方面的投入,希望海員能夠得到更多的關懷”。Pacific Basin公司船員部Alison女士亦希望與海員工會開展更多合作,為船上的海員送上更多的福利與關懷!
The campaign was a great success as the campaign had gained acclaim among ship companies and seafarers. Ms. June Chow from the crew department of Anglo-Eastern commented, “Caring for the lives of seafarers on board plays an important role in our corporate culture. I am so pleased that Hong Kong seafarer unions have been devoting so much effort to this aspect. I hope that more care can be provided for seafarers.” Ms. Alison from the crew department of Pacific Basin is also looking forward to more collaboration with Hong Kong unions to provide welfare and care for seafarers onboard in the future.

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