到訪MV Pulau Tioman及為MV Belawan船員代購電話卡

中心義工團隊於2021年1月19日到訪MV Pulau Tioman,贈送船員防疫小禮包。並於同月22日應MV Belawan船員之要求,代購電話卡及食物。

Our team of volunteers visited MV Pulau Tioman and presented Anti-epidemic gift packs on 19th January 2021. As per the request from the crew of MV Belawan, we have bought sim cards and food for them on 22nd January 2021.


Our centre could buy daily necessities for the ship’s crew who berthed at Kwai Chung Container Terminal. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

為”M.V. BELAWAN”船員代購藥物及電話卡 Purchase medicine and SIM cards for “M.V. BELAWAN” crews

因應M.V. BELAWAN船員的委託,本中心特此安排中心義工為他們代購藥物及電話卡。M.V. BELAWAN於2021年1月9日上午靠好3號貨櫃碼頭後,中心義工上船向船長及其他船員送上有關物品,並向他們表達慰問。



Upon the request of ship’s crews from M.V. BELAWAN, HKISSC arranged the volunteers to purchase the items needed for them, such as medicine and SIM cards. M.V. BELAWAN berthed at Berth 3 of Kwai Chung Container Terminal in the morning on 9th January 2021. Our team came onboard and sent those items needed for Capt. Zhu and the other crews.

Due to the epidemic of the COVID-19, ship’s crew are not allowed to take shore leaves and they cannot buy the daily necessities on shore. They are really exhausted about this. Therefore, they felt very delighted when they saw our team have come onboard and sent them the purchased items.

If ship’s crews are interested, please feel free to contact us after arrival of Hong Kong port. We can arrange for onboard visit and send the purchased items to the crew.

朱船長及本中心義工合照 (攝於2021年1月9日)

Photo of Capt. Zhu and our team (taken on 9th January 2021)

贈送M.V. TS Yokohama船員防疫小禮包 Presented Anti-epidemic gift packs to M.V. TS Yokohama

中心義工團隊於2021年1月15日贈送M.V. TS Yokohama船員防疫小禮包。

Our team of volunteers presented Anti-epidemic gift packs to the seafarers of MV TS Yokohama on 15th January 2021.


Our centre could buy daily necessities for the ship’s crew who berthed at Kwai Chung Container Terminal. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

中心工作團隊探訪M.V.FRED船員 Ship Visiting M.V. FRED

2020年9月19日上午, 應Sergey船長邀約, 香港國際海員服務中心工作團隊一行4人於葵涌貨櫃碼頭登上M.V. FRED集裝箱船探訪船員。
HKISSC working team of 4 had an onboard visit for a container ship M.V. FRED at Kwai Chung Container Terminal on 19/9.

M.V. FRED是一艘3.8萬噸的集裝箱船,掛塞浦路斯旗, 主要往來于東南亞地區,船員大部分來自菲律賓。船長來自俄羅斯, 他通過中心派發的傳單獲悉香港國際海員服務中心的聯絡方式與服務内容, 隨即發出郵件,希望中心幫助代送其購買的三幅油畫並代買一些生活用品。船長待人熱忱, 他主動邀請中心工作團隊登船參觀相關設施。
M.V. FRED which is a 38,000t container ship of Cyprus flag state, mainly travels between Southeast Asia. Captain Sergy noticed that HKISSC information from the leaflet then contacted us through email and asked us to buy some daily necessities.










在座談交流中,中心工作團隊介紹了中心的有關情況,並向船員贈送了紀念品。船長講述了疫情下船員的生活情況。當他了解到中心剛成立不久, 工作重點是為國際海員提供力所能及的服務時,他點頭表示讚賞,並希望今後能獲得中心更多的服務。
During the exchange, we introduced HKISSC and presented souvenirs to the crew. Captain also described the situation of the crew during the coronavirus. He appreciated and hoped to get more services from the center in the future.


中心「閱讀閣」 HKISSC Reading Corner

Book is an important tool for our own knowledge.

為滿足會員與到訪海員的精神文化需求,中心在五樓的接待室開設了讀書專區,為喜歡閱讀書籍的您提供不同類型的書籍, 例如:歷史、航海技術應用、心理、英雄漫畫及經濟等。 有興趣人士可親臨上址借閱,書籍名單將會更新。更有贈送予會員的各類中英文航海書刊置於書架,供來訪的會員及海員取閲。

To fulfill your interested of reading, we set up a ”Reading Corner” for our members and seafarers on 5/F, it provides different aspects of books such as: History, Navigational Technology, Psychology, Hero Comics and Economics, etc.

Let’s come to read with us! We’ll update the book list soon! There are also Chinese and English navigation magazines presented to members on the shelf.

In here, you can enjoy a relax moment with your coffee and books!


HKISSC開啟商船初體驗計畫 Study Tour Programe is launched!

HKISSC開啟商船初體驗計 Study Tour Programe is launched!

M.V.BELAWAN agreed that the working team of HKISSC conduct regular visits with 1-2maritime students.

The flag state of M.V.BELAWAN is Hong Kong, it mainly translation of China, Japan, Vietnam and Philippines. Its crew generally come from China, Vietnam and Philippines and a deck cadet came from Hong Kong. On 16/11 the team got the agreement of the planned ship visiting.


Whatsapp: 63651478 (龍先生) & 63653827 (孫先生)。
If you are a maritime student who interested in deck or engine knowledge , or have no any onboard experience, you are welcome to join the visiting and please feel free to contact us by whatsapp: 63651478 (Mr. Lung) & 63653827 (Mr. Frank) for the details.

HKISSC開啟商船初體驗計畫 Study Tour Programe is launched!

HKISSC開啟商船初體驗計 Study Tour Programe is launched!

M.V.BELAWAN agreed that the working team of HKISSC conduct regular visits with 1-2maritime students.

The flag state of M.V.BELAWAN is Hong Kong, it mainly translation of China, Japan, Vietnam and Philippines. Its crew generally come from China, Vietnam and Philippines and a deck cadet came from Hong Kong. On 16/11 the team got the agreement of the planned ship visiting.


Whatsapp: 63651478 (龍先生) & 63653827 (孫先生)。
If you are a maritime student who interested in deck or engine knowledge , or have no any onboard experience, you are welcome to join the visiting and please feel free to contact us by whatsapp: 63651478 (Mr. Lung) & 63653827 (Mr. Frank) for the details.