疫情期間為”TS Yokohama”船員代購食物及電話卡 Purchase food and SIM cards for “TS Yokohama” crews under epidemic

TS Yokohama於3月12日下午停泊香港葵涌8號貨櫃碼頭,期間本中心收到此船的船員委託,為他們代購食物及電話卡。

中心義工於傍晚到達船旁,TS Yokohama船員熱烈歡迎中心義工並邀請義工上船參觀。船員表示疫情之下船員都未能安排上岸,甚至有數個船員由上船開始至今超過半年都未曾踏足陸地。他們表示公司現已要求所有新上船船員上船前都必須接種疫苗,寄望可於不久將來安排已注射疫苗的船員上岸,以解開他們鬱悶的情緒。船員亦表示疫情之下中心能為他們提供代購服務非常難得。


TS Yokohama berthed at Berth8 of Kwai Chung Container Terminal on 12th March 2021 afternoon. HKISSC received the request from the ship’s crew to buy food and sim cards for them.

Crews from TS Yokohama welcomed our volunteers warmly and invited them to go onboard the ship when our volunteers arrived at the ship in the evening. Crew said they could not take shore leave during the epidemic and some of crew members have not set foot on land for more than half a year since they went onboard the vessel. They said that the company has now required all new join crew members to be vaccinated before boarding any vessel and they hope that crews who have been vaccinated are allowed go ashore soon, so as to relieve their stress. They also said it is very rare to see an organization can provide them purchasing services during the epidemic.

If ship’s crews are interested, please feel free to contact us after arrival of Hong Kong port. We can arrange for onboard visit and send the purchased items to the crew.

疫情之下香港海員換班 Crew change under epidemic in Hong Kong


香港海員陳建東受疫情影響,自去年年初開始休假後一直未能再上船繼續工作,近日透過工會的幫助下,在3月6日於香港葵涌貨櫃碼頭登上MV Belawan繼續其航海實習生生活。

It is quite difficult for the seafarers to sign on/off all over the world since the COVID-19 outbreak, as well as the Hong Kong’s seafarers.

Due to the epidemic, Hong Kong seafarer Chan Kin Tung has been unable to continue his cadetship after he took vacation at the beginning of last year. With the help of AUS-HK, he finally can go onboard MV Belawan at the Hong Kong Kwai Chung Container Terminal and continue to work as a deck cadet on 6th March.


Volunteers of HKISSC and seafarer Chan Kin Tung, photo taken on 6th March 2021.


Volunteers of AUS-HK and HKISSC also exchange greetings with Capt. Zhu of Belawan.

2019冠狀病毒病疫苗接種計劃 COVID-19 Vaccination Programme



  1. 科興「克爾來福」疫苗 – 採用滅活病毒技術平台 (已抵港)
  2. 復星醫藥/德國藥廠BioNTech「復必泰」疫苗 – 採用mRNA技術平台 (未抵港)
  3. 英國牛津大學與阿斯利康藥廠合作研發的疫苗 – 非複製性病毒載體疫苗 (未抵港)



  1. 60 歲或以上人士(陪同70歲或以上長者接種疫苗的人士可以獲得接種,最多兩人)
  2. 醫療服務場所工作人員及參與抗疫工作人員
  3. 安老院/殘疾人士院舍院友及員工
  4. 維持必要公共服務的人員
  5. 跨境運輸、口岸、港口工作人員




  1. 身分證明文件
  2. 優先接種組別證明(如適用;包括:僱員證、委任證、政府部門或其合約承辦商發出的身份證明信件、牌照、僱主信)
  3. 預約確認短訊或確認登記影印本









The Hong Kong Government now has plans about the COVID-19 vaccines injection for the public.

Total 3 kinds of COVID-19 vaccines are or will be available for injection:

  1. Sinovac CoronaVac vaccine – Inactivated virus technology platform (has arrived HK)
  2. Fosun Pharma in collaboration with the German drug manufacturer BioNTech (BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine) – mRNA technology platform (not arrived yet) 
  3. AstraZeneca, in collaboration with the University of Oxford – Non-replicating viral vector technology platform (not arrived yet) 


The Government decided to arrange priority vaccination for the five groups below:

  1. Persons aged 60 years or above (a maximum of two carers who accompany elderly people aged 70 or above can also receive vaccination);
  2. Personnel in healthcare settings and those participating in anti-epidemic related work;
  3. Residents and staff of residential care homes for the elderly / persons with disabilities;
  4. Personnel maintaining critical public services; and
  5. Personnel performing cross-boundary related work.

Seafarers belong to the fifth category among those who have priority in vaccination. Therefore, seafarers can make an online appointment for the jab.


Documents to bring for those go to Community Vaccination Centres for vaccination:

  1. identity document
  2. proof for priority group (if applicable; including staff card, warrant card, identity proof issued by Government departments and their service contractors, licence, employer’s letter)
  3. SMS message or photocopy of booking confirmation

Eligible people can also visit designated general outpatient clinics (GOPCs) of the Hospital Authority and designated private hospitals and clinics for the jab.


For details, please refer to the government website on the COVID-19 vaccination program.



The Hong Kong International Seaman Service Center hopes that all seafarers can enhance protection through vaccination and prepare for the recovery of the shipping industry.

We also remind all seafarers to continue wearing masks and washing hands frequently until the end of the epidemic.

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